November 21, 2016 Veggie Box News

Published on
November 22, 2016

November 21, 2016 Veggie Box News

Box Contents

1 1/2 lbs Fuyu Persimmons

1 lb Pomegranates

3/4 lb Broccoli

¾ lb Little Gem Lettuce

1 bunch Curly Kale

1 basket Juliette Cherry Tomatoes

1 head Bok Choi

1 Butternut Squash

1 lb Gold Beets

Box Notes:

The Fuyu persimmons are grown by our neighbor Frank Espriella here in Guinda. They are not certified organic. He doesn’t use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides but opts to not be certified organic as he has a very small persimmon orchard. The Fuyu persimmon is eaten firm, like an apple, no need to peel the skin.

Each year during the week of Thanksgiving, we gift our subscribers some extra items in the veggie boxes to make it a super bountiful token of our appreciation for supporting Riverdog Farm throughout the year. Thank you very much and we hope you have a delicious holiday this week!