September 19, 2016 Veggie Box News

Published on
September 20, 2016

Box Notes:

Arugula is making its first appearance this fall in the veggie boxes. It is best used raw in a salad or in a sandwich. Here are a few sandwich recipes featuring arugula:


Field Notes:

The greenhouses are full of fall goodies including: kales, chards, fennel, broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce. It is a time of seasonal transition on the farm which means quick turnover of fields from the finished crops to beautifully prepared beds for the new transplants coming out of the greenhouses. This field prep process includes: mowing the old crop down, turning in the organic matter (crop residue) with either a tractor mounted disc or rototiller, letting the plant material break down for a few days with the help of an irrigation set, then one more tractor pass to rototill and shape the beds, followed by a tractor pass to insert the transplants with our two-seeder transplanter or direct seed depending on the crop. We direct seed the beets, carrots, turnips, and winter squash.



Save the Dates

Hoes Down Harvest Festival

Saturday October 1, 2016

11:00 am to 11:00 pm

For tickets and volunteer work shift info, please visit:

Box Contents

1 lb Mixed Sweet Peppers

1 lb Mixed Heirloom Tomatoes

1 Cantaloupe

1 bu Scarlet Queen Turnip

1 lb Fairtime Peaches

1 lb Arugula

2 Yellow Onions


Special Orders

Pickling Cucumbers $20 for a 10 lb case


Red Slicer or Early Girl Tomatoes $30 for a 20 lb case