October 30, 2017

Published on
October 31, 2017

Box Contents

1 bskt Shishito Peppers

2 Pomegranates

2-3 Delicata Squashes

1 bu Rapini

¾ lb Bulls Blood Greens

1 bu Tokyo Turnips

1 Green Cabbage

Box Notes: Pomegranate season has begun! We are pleased to include these juicy gems in your veggie boxes this week. Coming soon we will also have Fuyu persimmons from our persimmon orchardist neighbor in Guinda. The pomegranates are a sweet treat, break them into sections and gently pull the juicy seeds from the fruit. To prevent a mess, you can separate the seeds from the fruit under running water or in a bowl of water. Sprinkled on a lettuce salad, as a topping for yogurt, or in a combo fruit salad, and in smoothies these old world fruits are quenching and so full of tart sugar.

Field Notes: This mild, late October weather has been very optimal for the crop growing and harvesting conditions. Daytime temperatures in the mid to high eighties and cooler nighttime temperatures has given the fall and winter crops a boost. A game camera we have stationed near the pig paddocks in Brooks caught the image of a beautiful mature, female mountain lion. We have also seen her tracks along with the tracks of her smaller, younger offspring. Our theory is that the fires to the west of us have pushed the wildlife this way. It is very rare for a mountain lion to be seen on the valley floor but many live in the wilder hill country.

Important Payment Information: We will send payment reminders when your account balance has reached $0. If your account drops below $0, your deliveries may be interrupted. Please confirm by responding to the payment reminder that you would like to continue to receive CSA boxes and that payment is on the way. You must let us know if you would like to cancel or permanently hold your deliveries. Email notifications and this newsletter are our primary way of communicating with members. Please be sure to read the newsletter and emails we send, as they contain important information.

Useful links for your new online CSA member profile

Your Account: https://csa.farmigo.com/account/riverdogfarmcsa

Payment: https://csa.farmigo.com/pay/riverdogfarmcsa

Web store: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa