January 8, 2018

Published on
January 9, 2018

Box Contents:

2 lbs. Navel Oranges

2 Leeks

¾ lb. Arugula

1 lb. Watermelon Daikon

1 lb. Bok Choy

1 bu. Yellow Carrots

1 lb. Broccoli

Box Notes: The navel oranges are from Blue Heron Farm in Rumsey. They are CCOF certified organic. We will include oranges in the weekly veggie boxes through the end of February. 10 and 20 pound cases of Blue Heron Oranges are now available for purchase in the web store! Follow this link to add a case or two to your next delivery: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Watermelon Daikon is one of the farmer’s market customer favorites. When we sample them, customers are surprised about their sweet mild flavor and intense magenta color. Thinly sliced or grated for salads, these radishes are a surprising treat. No need to peel the white outer layer of skin. The entire radish is edible.

Here’s a tidbit from http://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Watermelon_Radish_1788.php: Watermelon radish originated in China where it was known as Shinrimei radish. In America, its official name in seed catalogs was originally Red Meat radish. Once it caught on as a popular farmer’s market item for marketing reasons vendors began to sell it under the name Beauty Heart or Watermelon radish. It is still however listed most often in seed catalogs under the name Red Meat radish.”

Field Notes: The rainfall has been steady since Sunday night. The watershed, ditches and puddles are filling up quickly. In Guinda, we’ve seen about a ½ inch. Keep it coming!


2018 CSA Policy and Payment Changes

As you are well aware, 2017 brought many changes to the Riverdog Farm CSA. We are thrilled with the new CSA software and hope it has simplified your membership as much as it has for us here at the farm.

Do to the amount of change we have undergone this past fall we have some policies we would like to go over with you. Thank you for reading the following items as they directly affect you and your CSA membership. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

-Deliveries will continue without receipt of payment. If you would like to suspend or hold your deliveries for any amount of time you must do so via your member profile page or by contacting the office. There are 3 available fields for holding multiple date ranges and a permanent hold option for semi-permanent or permanent holds. If you are enrolled in an auto payment plan and would like to permanently hold deliveries you must also remove the auto payment details to avoid being charged after suspending deliveries.

-Payment required reminders will be sent when your account drops below $24. Please respond to these reminders by making payment, or emailing the office to let us know payment is on the way.

-Automatic Payment Plans: If you have selected an auto payment plan you will be charged for the number of deliveries according to your payment plan. The “Monthly” payment plan will charge your account after every 4 deliveries, the “Quarterly” payment plan will charge your card after you have received 13 deliveries and the “Annual” payment plan will charge your account after 51 deliveries. This system accounts for any skipped deliveries or bi-weekly delivery schedules.

-Pick up instructions: Please sign your name next to your printed name on the sign-in sheet located on the clipboard near your csa box every week when you pick up your order.  This is our only means of tracking down members who have forgotten to pick up their box. Your name will be printed on the sing in sheet if we delivered a box for you. If your name is not on the sheet, a box was not delivered for you, if this occurs contact the office right away. If you happen to take a box with out being on the delivery list, it creates much disappointment and confusion.

-Altering your delivery schedule: If you would like to hold a csa delivery or would like to add items to your weekly delivery via the web store you must make any changes to your delivery schedule 48 hours prior to your delivery day.