October 1st 2018

Published on
October 2, 2018

Box Contents:

1 lb Mixed Sweet Peppers

1 ¼ lb Early Girl Tomatoes

3 Delicata Squashes

½ lb Arugula

1 bu Tokyo Turnips

1 bu Collard Greens

Box Notes: The 2nd squash variety is making its appearance in the veggie box this week: the delicious delicata, a winter squash favorite with subtle sweet flavors and a pale yellow, creamy flesh. Also new this week are Tokyo turnips and collard greens. We’re pleased to be entering a new season with new items to offer to you. There will also be Fuyu persimmons this year as in past years from a neighboring farm.


Field Notes: Rain is expected this Tuesday! We have overcast weather today (Monday) so are very excited about the coming rain. While it will likely not be a substantial amount of rain, any amount of rain after 129 days of no rain is a welcome sight and the temperatures are much cooler so everyone on the farm is happier.

Upcoming new harvests include: Little Gem Lettuce (mini-romaines), spinach, other bunching green varieties including kale, chard, and mustard greens. The carrots and beets will return in November.


Riverdog Farm Annual Pumpkin Party

Saturday October 20, 2018

12:00 to 4:00 pm

11905 State Route 16, Brooks CA 95606


Come to the farm,

bring a potluck dish to share, enjoy

farm-grilled pork sausages, take a

hay ride tour of the farm, feed the pigs,

and pick a pumpkin to bring home.

We will provide grilled sausages and ice cold water.