November 12th 2018

Published on
November 13, 2018

Box Contents:

2 lbs Fuyu Persimmons (not certified organic)

1 bu Red Beets

1 bskt Juliette Cherry Tomatoes

1 ½ lbs Yellow Finn Potatoes

Delicata Squash

¾ lb Sweet Peppers

Box Notes: We’re including more potatoes in this week’s veggie box so that you can stockpile them for the week of Thanksgiving. This Friday, we will email to you next week’s veggie box contents so that you can plan your holiday menu accordingly.

     The fuyu persimmons are grown by our neighbor Frank Espriella here in Guinda. They are not certified organic. He doesn’t use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides but opts to not be certified organic as he has a very small persimmon orchard. The fuyu persimmon is eaten firm, like an apple, no need to peel the skin.


Field Notes: Our region is experiencing smoky conditions from the Campfire in Butte County. Our hearts go out to all those who’ve lost homes, businesses and family members in the town of Paradise to the uncontrollable fires. We’re hoping that fire containment will happen as soon as possible and that the rebuilding will happen as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we hope that the support continues for the residents and the emergency responders.

One the farm, we had our first frost early last Saturday morning. This means that the end of tomato, pepper, and eggplant season is fast approaching. 


Holiday Hams are now available! The hams are from pastured hogs raised on a certified organic diet of pasture, produce culls from the farm, Cowgirl Creamery whey, Three Twins ice cream and grain. The hams are $11 per lb. They range in size from 6-12 lbs. The animals are certified organic but once processed, the meat is not certified organic because the smokehouse in Ft. Bragg is not yet a certified organic facility. Please contact Christian at to place your order. We have a limited supply so please reserve your order early.

Thanksgiving Delivery Schedule

Tuesday 11/20:

All regular Tuesday, Thursday (except Berkeley Farmers Market) & Friday deliveries


Wednesday 11/21:

All regular Wednesday deliveries


Saturday 11/24 & Sunday 11/25:

Regular market pickup.