November 5th 2018

Published on
November 6, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bskt Cherry Tomatoes

2/3 lb Arugula

1 hd Green Cabbage

1 bu Cilantro

 1 lb French Fingerling Potatoes

1 Butternut Squash

1 lb Purple Daikon Radish

Box Notes: Cool-weather cilantro is back in action. We harvested the first bunches for market over the weekend and now have enough to include in the veggie boxes this week. Now that the nights are cooler, it’s a good time to start turning on the oven in the evenings to bake squash or roast potatoes.


Field Notes: The dry weather has us staying on our toes with continued fall crop planting, cover crop seeding and the planting of the overwintered grain crops. We have started to harvest the root crops: beets, radishes, and turnips. We had our first beet bunches at market over the weekend so they will be making an appearance soon in the veggie boxes.


Holiday Hams are now available! The hams are from pastured hogs raised on a certified organic diet of pasture, produce culls from the farm, Cowgirl Creamery whey, Three Twins ice cream and grain. The hams are $11 per lb. They range in size from 6-12 lbs. The animals are certified organic but once processed, the meat is not certified organic because the smokehouse in Ft. Bragg is not yet a certified organic facility. Please contact Christian at to place your order. We have a limited supply so please reserve your order early.


Thanksgiving Delivery Schedule

Tuesday 11/20:

All regular Tuesday, Thursday (except Berkeley Farmers Market) & Friday deliveries


Wednesday 11/21:

All regular Wednesday deliveries


Saturday 11/24 & Sunday 11/25:

Regular market pickup.


Thursday market pickup members will need to select a one time alternate pickup time/location for that week.


I will send email reminders to all members whose deliveries will be affected by this.