December 3rd 2018

Published on
December 4, 2018

Box Contents:

2 lbs Fuyu Persimmons
 (not certified organic)

1 bu Cilantro

½ lbs Mei Qing Choi

1 lb King Richard Leeks

¾ lb Arugula

1 White Daikon Radish

2 Acorn Squash

Box Notes: The Fuyu Persimmons are from Frank Espriella’s orchard in Guinda. We feature the persimmons every year that he has a good fruit set. They are not certified organic. He doesn’t use synthetic sprays or fertilizers but opts to not get certified as his operation is so small. The Fuyu is the type of persimmon that is eaten when firm, like an apple.


Field Notes: We are up to 3 inches from the recent storms! This has provided so much relief to everyone working on the farm with the improved air quality. And the plants are thriving better now too with their leaf surfaces cleared of fine ash soot. We’re hoping for steady rain throughout the winter and spring months.


December Delivery Schedule:

The farm will be closed from December 23rd through January 1, 2018. There will be no regular CSA deliveries the last week in December and the first week in January. You may pick up a veggie box at the farmer’s markets and we’ll adjust your account balance. Veggie box deliveries will return the week of January 7th 2019.

      We will be at the Farmers Markets on the following days at the end of December and in early January:

Saturday December 22: Berkeley Farmers’ Market on Center and MLK

Sunday December 23: Sacramento Sunday Farmer’s Market on 8th under the freeway

Thursday January 3: Berkeley Farmers’ Market on Rose and Shattuck