February 19, 2017

Published on
February 20, 2018

Box Contents:

2 hds Batavia Crisp Lettuce

1 bu Green Garlic

1 bu Chioggia Beets

1 bu Dandelion Greens

1 lb. Mixed Roots (assorted radishes)

1 lb. Leeks

1 hd Red Cabbage

1 Butterkin Squash 

Box Notes: We welcome the arrival of green garlic and dandelion greens! Use the green garlic as you would dry garlic or garlic gloves, just slice like a scallion and sauté until translucent or add to raw to salad dressing. The green garlic adds the delicious flavor of allium-y springtime to cooked greens, frittata, or soup. The green garlic and the leeks can be sautéed together to create a flavor base for most savory dishes. The winter squash is winding down, savor it while you can as, after it’s done in about 2 weeks, it won’t be back until late fall.

Field Notes: Unexpected cold snaps have hit the valley. Last night we had a low of 25 degrees and the same is forecasted for tonight. Although we’ve had sunny warm days that have been unusual for February, the cold nighttime temperatures have delayed the asparagus season. We were expecting the asparagus to start sooner since we’ve had mild weather for all of February. Fingers crossed for the first spears to appear within the coming week.

Spring Hams Now available In the web-store! $11/lb. Hams range from 6-8.75 lbs. Our hams are smoked and cured at Roundman’s Smokehouse in Fort Bragg. Limited supply. Contact the office if you would like to reserve your Easter Ham at csa@riverdogfarm.com

Wild Stinging Nettles are now for sale in the web-store: 1# for $10 or 3# for $25. Nettles are renown for their many health benefits. Follow this link to learn more: https://draxe.com/stinging-nettle/. The leaves can be used in place of cooked spinach in most recipes, but be careful when handling them when raw (use gloves), they do sting! Once blanched the plant looses its sting but retains its many health benefits 

Capay Valley Almond Festival

Sunday February 25, 2018

This festival is a 6 hamlet celebration of the almond blossom season in the Capay Valley. Starting in Madison, driving along State Route 16, going about 20 miles up to Rumsey, you can view the orchards in bloom and stop to enjoy the music and food along the way.

The Rumsey Hall, a historic community hall built in 1906 at the northern end of the valley, serves wood-fired pizza, pork sliders and beer and features live music.

Egg Subscriptions Now Available!

At long last, we are beginning to see the light! We have been suffering a shortage of eggs here at the farm for some months now. Because of the lengthening light hours in the day our egg layers are beginning to produce more eggs.  We are happy to announce that we now have enough eggs to offer our csa members the option of adding eggs to your CSA subscription. Sign on to your member account to add an egg subscription. Click the “Change” text located next to your current subscription, in the Summary Box. From there you can select an egg subscription. Please contact the office with any questions.