February 5, 2018

Published on
February 6, 2018

Box Contents:

2 lbs. Blue Heron Navel Oranges

¾ lb. Little Gem Lettuce

½ lb. Romanesco

1 bu. Red Chard

1 hd. Napa Cabbage

1 lb. Leeks

1 Spaghetti Squash


Box Notes: Romanesco, a feast for the senses is a vivid green color and boasts fractal patterns that wow all that see them, it is a farmer’s market favorite and kids love it. The flavor is similar to cauliflower, delicate and nutty. The texture of Romanesco is crunchy and holds its shape and chartreuse color when cooked. Use in place of any of cauliflower or broccoli in your favorite recipes. Please note we have been struggling with aphids in our brassica crops lately, so if you see any small bugs near the stalk, don’t worry they wash off easily.

We are nearing the end of our winter squash storage. Winter squash may not last as long at room temperature as they did in the late months of fall. Use them soon, or store in the refrigerator.

The navel oranges are from Blue Heron Farm in Rumsey. They are CCOF certified organic. Correction: We will include oranges in the weekly veggie boxes through the middle of February. This year Blue Heron’s citrus yield was lower than last year, tho the fruits themselves were larger. Making for a shorter harvest season than usual. Blue Heron Oranges are now available for purchase in the web store: 10 lbs. for $20 or 20 lbs. for $40! Follow this link to add a case or two to your next delivery: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa.

Capay Valley Almond Festival

Sunday February 25, 2018

A 6 hamlet celebration of the almond blossom season in the Capay Valley. Starting in Madison, driving along State Route 16, going about 20 miles up to Rumsey, you can view the orchards in bloom and stop to enjoy the music and food along the way.

The Rumsey Hall, a historic community hall built in 1906 at the northern end of the valley, serves wood-fired pizza, pork sliders and beer and features live music.

Egg Subscriptions Now Available!

At long last, we are beginning to see the light, literally. We have been suffering a shortage of eggs here at the farm for some months now. Because of the lengthening light hours in the day our egg layers are beginning to produce more eggs!  We are happy to announce that we now have enough eggs to offer our csa members the option of adding eggs to your CSA subscription. Instructions below.

  • If you would like to add eggs to your weekly or bi-weekly CSA delivery follow this link to log on to your member page: https://csa.farmigo.com/account/riverdogfarmcsa
  • Once signed on, click the “Change” text next to your current Subscription located inside the Summary Box near the top right of your member page.
  • Next click the “Options” tab (at the top next to Shares) and select the number of egg dozens desired and your corresponding csa delivery schedule.