June 4, 2018

Published on
June 5, 2018

Box Contents:

1 bu. Basil

1 hd. Napa Cabbage

¾ lb. Shelling Peas

1 lb. Broccoli

1 bu. Carrots

2 lb. Fresh Red Onions

1 bu. Green Curly Kale

Box Notes: Welcome June! June is the month when we begin to harvest many first-of-summer crops. Basil is one of them that everyone gets excited about. This fragrant, deep green herb flew off the table at our Saturday Berkeley Farmer’s Market where we had 20 bunches of the first harvest. Our last spring planted broccoli crop is coming in now. It’s a bit later than we hoped so the warm weather is making the heads a bit lighter in color but the flavor is still good.

Field Notes: One of our favorite customers, Camino Restaurant is celebrating their 10th anniversary by coming to the farm tomorrow for a tour and lunch. They will visit the packing shed, greenhouses, laying hen set-up and pigs. Thank you www.caminorestaurant.com/ for the weekly support of the farm for the whole decade that they’ve been open. We appreciate their commitment to the farm with their dedication to buying produce and pastured pork from us. They like to keep their menu fresh and seasonal by sourcing veggies and fruit harvested the day before delivery.

Web Store Highlights:

Tons of new items in the web store! New potatoes, braising greens, fresh onions and cabbage. There are also new pork shares available. Keep an eye out for the June Web-Store Highlights newsletter coming out with all necessary details and enticing photos soon.

To celebrate the summer cook-out season: Spare Ribs are on sale! Only $8/lb. (down from $10/lb.)

Pastured meats – chicken and pork – are also available via the web store. Riverdog Farm’s specialties include our pork sausage (many flavors), whole Poulet Rouge chickens, and bacon cured and smoked by Roundman’s Smokehouse in Ft. Bragg. Follow this link to our online store to see all of the farm direct products you can add to your csa delivery this week: https://csa.farmigo.com/store/riverdogfarmcsa

Upcoming Valley Events:

Cache Creek Lavender Festival:

JUNE 9 - 10, 2018 -3430 MADRONE STREET, RUMSEY, CA 95679

weekend of family fun in the fields! Harvest your own lavender, taste wines from Capay Vineyard, enjoy lavender ice cream & lemonade, listen to live music. Free admission.