January 7th 2019

Published on
January 8, 2019

Box Contents:

1 bu Rapini

1 bu Red Spring Onions

1 bu Green Garlic

1 hd Green Cabbage

1 bu Purple Carrots

2 lbs Navel Oranges from Blue Heron Farm in Rumsey

1 ½ lbs Broccoli

Box Notes: Happy New Year! The navel oranges in your veggie box this week are from Blue Heron Farm in Rumsey and are CCOF-certified organic. The oranges will be a weekly feature of the veggie boxes for a month or two. They are great for juicing and eating sliced or by sections. Then soon after the orange harvest is done, we will begin the coveted asparagus season! We are featuring loads of multi-colored produce, citrus, garlic and leafy greens in this week’s box to help fortify your health and wellness defenses during these winter months. Thanks to a grant from Stop Waste in Alameda County, we were able to augment our purchase of new plastic totes that are more permanent than the cardboard boxes we have been using. We will soon pack the weekly veggie boxes in a plastic tote with a lid. Please return the plastic tote to your CSA site the following week or bring a bag to transfer the veggie box contents into and leave the plastic tote at the site.

Field Notes: The holiday weather was surprisingly dry and sunny. Over this past weekend, we finally received a substantial amount of rain. The ground is soaked and Cache Creek is starting to fill up. We are hoping for more rain in January/February/March.


2019 CSA Payment Schedule

Quarter 1: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288

Quarter 2: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 3: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 4: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288

Annual Payment (annual payers receive 2 complimentary veggie boxes): $1,152

We encourage you to consider making the annual payment for your veggie box deliveries. This helps support the farm by giving us advance purchasing power for labor, seeds, fertilizers, and other farming expenses that are essential to get the next growing season going. Thank you for supporting the farm with your continued CSA subscriptions!