October 14, 2019

Published on
October 15, 2019

Box Contents
1 bskt Cherry Tomatoes

3 Delicate Squash

3 Pomegranates

3/4 lb Mixed Sweet Peppers

1/2 lb Green Beans

1 bu Curly Kale

Field Notes: We recently completed our annual food safety inspection. We do this through a third party certifier. It’s the same non-profit, California Certified Organic Farms or CCOF that certifies our crops as organically grown. When we grow and sell produce via wholesale outlets, some of the companies require that our produce is Global GAP certified. GAP stands for Good Agricultural Practices. For the annual inspection, they check everything from our personal hygiene policy and implementation for the farm employees to field conditions before harvest and they check our input records.

Box Notes: Pomegranate season is the best! We grow a variety called Wonderful. These juicy morsels quench your thirst and impart a tart/sweet flavor unlike any other fruit. To eat, remove the end (flower end) opposite the stem end, then remove a bit of the central pithy core. The fruit can then be divided/split from the center into segments that the seeds can easily be removed from. Or some people prefer to break off the seeds in a bowl of water (submerge the fruit while breaking off the seeds) to prevent the red juice from splattering. Did you know that pomegranate trees/bushes happen to be one of the few fruit trees that can grow from cuttings, like figs! See this link for how to take and plant cuttings from pomegranate trees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1RqxZIT--E.

Riverdog Farm Annual Pumpkin Party

Saturday October 19, 2019

12:00 to 4:00 pm

11905 State Route 16, Brooks CA 95606

Come to the farm, bring a potluck dish to share, enjoy farm-grilled pork sausages, take a hay-ride tour, feed the pigs, and harvest a pumpkin to bring home. The farm will also have Three Twins ice cream for dessert.

We will provide grilled sausages, Three Twins Ice Cream, and water.  RSVP to: csa@riverdogfarm.com. If lost the day of the event, call 530-320-1608.