February 4th, 2019

Published on
February 5, 2019

Box Contents:

1 ½ lbs Navel Oranges

1 bu Red Spring Onions

1 bu Carrots

1 lb Purple/White Daikon

½ lb Little Gem Lettuce

1 ½ lbs Butternut Squash

1 head Green Cabbage

1 ½ lbs Broccoli

Box Notes: The navel oranges in your veggie box this week are from Blue Heron Farm in Rumsey and are CCOF-certified organic. The oranges will be a weekly feature of the veggie boxes for a month or two. They are great for juicing and eating sliced or by sections. Then soon after the orange harvest is done, we will begin the coveted asparagus season!

The scoop on the new gray plastic totes: Please return the tote to your drop site the following week or bring an empty bag to transfer the items into the same day that you pick up. Thank you for returning the totes to your drop site for re-use!

Field Notes: The rain has continued. The annual rainfall is at about 16 inches. We need about 6 more to come close to the average annual rainfall.

Almond Festival Sunday February 24, 2019 An all-day, 5 town event celebrating the almond blossoms of the region. There’s a pancake breakfast served by the FFA at the Esparto High School, a book sale at the Esparto Library, and delicious wood-fired pizza featuring Riverdog Farm sausage will be for sale in the hamlet of Rumsey. For more info about the Almond Festival visit: https://www.espartoregionalchamber.com/events/2019/2/24/capay-valley-almond-festival.

2019 CSA Payment Schedule

Quarter 1: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288

Quarter 2: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 3: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 4: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288

Annual Payment (annual payers receive 2 complimentary veggie boxes): $1,152

We encourage you to consider making the annual payment for your veggie box deliveries. This helps support the farm by giving us advance purchasing power for labor, seeds, fertilizers, and other farming expenses that are essential to get the next growing season going. Thank you for supporting the farm with your continued CSA subscriptions!