May 27, 2019

Published on
May 28, 2019

Box Contents:

1 lb Asparagus

1 bu Carrots

1 bu Curly Kale

1 bu Red Beets

1 bu Red Torpedo Onions

1 bu Tokyo Turnips

2 hds Batavia Lettuce

1/2 lb Mei Qing Choi

Box Notes: Late May rains are incredibly rare in our region. We had over an inch of rain during this past weekend in May. It’s helping keep the crops hydrated but also slows down summer crop growth. We’re still hoping to see the first ripe cherry tomatoes in early July. This week’s box offers the first of the head lettuce: it’s one of our favorite varieties called Batavian Lettuce, a mild type that is like a cross of butterhead and iceberg lettuce.


Field Notes: The soil is not too wet for field and bed prep so the farm’s tractor experts are out in full force discing, making beds and cultivating (weeding with a tractor mounted implement) the young crops. We planted sweet corn this year since we had plenty of rain. It’s coming up uniformly in the fields and should be ready in late July. This is also the time of year when we order our winter squash seed and get it into the ground so planning is happening for quantities of butternut, kabocha, spaghetti squash, delicata, and all the other tasty, vitamin packed winter squash varieties that we grow.


Save the Date: Hoes Down Harvest Festival, Saturday October 5, 2019 from 11 am to 11 pm. For ticket and event information visit:


2019 CSA Payment Schedule

Quarter 3: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 4: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288

Annual Payment (annual payers receive 2 complimentary veggie boxes): $1,152


We encourage you to consider making the annual payment for your veggie box deliveries. This helps support the farm by providing advance purchasing power for labor, seeds, fertilizers, and other farming expenses that are essential to the farm’s operations. Thank you for supporting the farm with your continued CSA subscription!