June 3, 2019

Published on
June 4, 2019

Box Contents:

1 lb Asparagus

1 bu Carrots

1 bu Chioggia Beets

1 bu Spring Onions

1 bu Rosemary

1/2 lb Bok Choy

1/4 lb Baby Lettuce

1 bu Collard Greens

Box Notes: Chioggia beets are a pink and white concentrically striped beet with a mild, sweet flavor. They make a beautifully colorful, scrumptious salad. Cook then slice, then toss with a vinaigrette dressing, add salt and pepper and thinly sliced spring onions, chill and top with crumbled goat cheese. Beets make a great cold salad for this upcoming wave of heat that’s forecasted for the end of the week. Tip: When boiling Chioggia beets, add a splash of lemon juice or white vinegar to keep their color from fading.


Field Notes: Our potato crop will soon be ready, in about 2 weeks. We’ll be harvesting some of the spud crop early, when the skin is not yet set, as “new” potatoes. Then the rest of the crop will be harvested over time as needed with set skins. We’re looking forward to offering these new items in June: potatoes, summer squash, cucumbers, and green beans.


Save the Date: Hoes Down Harvest Festival, Saturday October 5, 2019 from 11 am to 11 pm. For ticket and event information visit: http://hoesdown.org/.


2019 CSA Payment Schedule

Quarter 3: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 4: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288


Annual Payment (annual payers receive 2 complimentary veggie boxes): $1,152

We encourage you to consider making the annual payment for your veggie box deliveries. This helps support the farm by providing advance purchasing power for labor, seeds, fertilizers, and other farming expenses that are essential to the farm’s operations. Thank you for supporting the farm with your continued CSA subscription!