August 19, 2019

Published on
August 20, 2019

Box Contents:

1 bskt Shishito Peppers

1 Cantaloupe

2 lb Mixed Heirloom Tomatoes

1/2 lb Gypsy Peppers

1 bu Tokyo Turnips

1/2 lb Painted Serpent Cucumbers 

Field Notes: We made it through last week’s heat wave. It was quite the doozy, with 3 days in a row hovering close to 107 degrees. We shortened the harvest days to avoid the hottest part of the day outdoors. The heat wave coincided with the Yolo County Fair. Despite the high temperatures, there was still great attendance in the evenings when the temperatures were cooler. The Yolo County Fair is one of the last fairs in the state to offer free admission. Luckily, we have experienced very few heat waves this summer like we did last week. It’s been the coolest summer in a long time. The crops benefit from the milder temperatures and so do the employees. Hope you enjoy the end of summer as we transition to autumn.


Box Notes: Purple Bells are a mild sweet pepper. They are great raw in salads or added to soup broth. Tokyo Turnips have returned. Like the purple bells, they are also good raw or cooked. Painted Serpent Cucumbers are very mild and the seeds are small. No need to peel the skin.


Save the Date: Hoes Down Harvest Festival, Saturday October 5, 2019 from 11 am to 11 pm. For ticket and event information visit: Ticket sales are limited this year and only available via online, advance purchase.

2019 CSA Payment Schedule

Quarter 3: Wednesdays $312   Thursdays $312   Fridays $312

Quarter 4: Wednesdays $288   Thursdays $288   Fridays $288


Annual Payment (annual payers receive 2 complimentary veggie boxes): $1,152

We encourage you to consider making the annual payment for your veggie box deliveries. This helps support the farm by providing advance purchasing power for labor, seeds, fertilizers, and other farming expenses that are essential to the farm’s operations. Thank you for supporting the farm with your continued CSA subscription!